Teaching Team

February 2018 Teaching Team:

Sheila A. Brennan Co-Lead, Networked Curator; Director of Strategic Initiatives and Acting Director of Public Projects, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media; Associate Research Professor, Department of History and Art History George Mason University

Sharon M. Leon Co-Lead, Networked Curator; Associate Professor, Department of History, Michigan State University

Judith Pineiro, Executive Director, Association of Art Museum Curators; AAMC Foundation

Matthew Lincoln, Data Research Specialist at the Getty Research Institute

August 2017 Teaching Team:

Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University

Sheila A. BrennanCo-Lead, Networked Curator; Director of Strategic Initiatives; Associate Research Professor, Department of History and Art History

Sharon M. Leon
Co-Lead, Networked Curator; Director of Public Projects; Associate Professor, Department of History and Art History

Alyssa Fahringer Project Associate and Graduate Research Assistant

Guest Speaker Eleanor Fink, Founder and Director of the American Art Collaborative